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Here is a list of inspirational quotes that serve as powerful reminders to keep on keeping on. “Be the best of whatever you are.” — Martin Luther King, Jr. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you ...

Therefore, for anyone seeking inspiration before preparing their next oral presentation, here are a few useful quotes on the art of public speaking – from writing a speech, to rehearsing it ...

Trying to get pregnant is a journey that requires hope, grit and lots and lots of pregnancy tests. Here, we’ve gathered inspiring quotes from famous writers, badass mothers and anonymous sources to ...

But words of encouragement can help. Certain quotes can inspire and remind you to live life to the fullest and persevere through whatever challenges come your way.

Easter brings with it special decorations, treats, traditions, and even inspiring quotes. In this post, I compiled some popular and inspiring Easter quotes that you can use to remind yourself of the ...

Explore the most inspiring Mary Oliver's quotes about love and life, touching upon themes of hope, death, devotion, and friendship. Mary Oliver's quotes about love and life offer inspiration and hope.

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